Flopp’s Map is entirely built on open source software; you can have a look at the implementation and even participate in the development over at Github. Everything is customly developed in TypeScript.
The following libraries/projects are used:
Leaflet is used as the basic mapping library; in the past, Flopp’s Map was based on the Google Maps API – but this had to be ditched due to problems with Google’s terms of sevice.
The map pulls in mapping layers from OpenStreetMap, OpenTopoMap, Stamen Terrain, Arcgis World Imagery, as well as the Natural Protection Area layer of the German Bundesamt für Naturschutz.
Geographiclib provides geographic calculations (calculating distances, performing waypoint projections, etc.).
For geocoding (location search), Nominatim is used.
The user interface is built upon Bulma, icons are from Feather Icons, and the internationalization/translation is done with i18next.
The website is hosted at Uberspace.